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1. Shadow Dancing With Mind
The blogger Shashi S is not just a blogger, but he also writes books on spirituality. He is on his path to find enlightenment and is currently travelling through the mountains, jungles and caves of the mighty Himalayas. In the blog you can find reviews of spiritual books. The blogger gives us the main idea presented in the books so that we know what to expect when we buy it. You can also find wonderful music, poetry, designs and creativity in the blog.
2. Indrajitrathore
The blog tries to answer the eternal questions of the soul, like what it is, where it is, where it goes etc. The blogger, Indrajit Rathore, is fascinated with the soul and is in search for answers that everyone is looking for. After his intensive study and reading, he shares it all with the world through this blog. You can read about things like ‘The soul according to the Gita’, ‘The source of the soul’, ‘Law of Karma’, ‘The souls purpose’ etc over here.
3. Petals!
Born in India, grew up across the globe from Iran to Africa, Swapna Raghu Sanand is a devout Hindu and a follower of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. From childhood, Swapna has pursued a journey of spiritual growth. She is the author of Tryst with Divinity, Pearl of Divinity & Blossoms (An Anthology of Poems). Her writings are based on her personal spiritual experiences. She writes mostly on Sacred Hindu Mantras, Guru Kripa, Bhakti, the many spiritual masters who have enriched the Hindu religion, the different forms and methods of Meditation. Currently, Swapna is writing her next book and can be contacted at and on her Twitter handle @Svara
4. The Mindful Word
This blog brings together people and gives them a platform to exchange their thoughts and ideas, so that the whole society is able to be thoughtful. They create a space where there is open dialogue and people can discuss their choices and see different ways in the process. Started in 2007, the blog is actively spreading positivity, to make the world a better place. Read about ‘mind spirit’, ‘conscious creativity’, ‘wholistic health’, ‘participatory culture’ and more over here.
5. Offbeat Spirituality
This blog is created by Nitima Sood. She writes about issues that everyone faces in their day to day life, which can be very stressful. She writes in a style that is very friendly and will invite you to go on reading. The topics are relevant for everyone and there is a lot that one can learn from the blog. She adds a personal touch to the blog and that makes the reader feel close to the blogger and it helps to connect with her. The blog is also full of humour. Read bout topic such as Dealing with criticism, Fail. Learn. Move on. My Life… Heck My Rules! Etc.
6. Philipscom
The blogger, P V Ariel, is a firm believer in Christianity. You can find book reviews, videos, publications and much more over here. There is also a section especially dedicated to women where you can read about some achievements of women, some jokes, a sneak peek at the women in the bloggers life and more. The Kerela based writer has made it to many newspapers, weeklies, magazines etc and has been active on the internet since 2007.
7. Prophet666
Prayers, mantras, yantras, remedies, astrology, spiritualism, prophecy, you will find it all over here in this blog. Many others may sell these things or charge money for the information, but this blogger does it for the sole purpose of spreading knowledge and making people enlightened. She does not charge any fee for this. This blog contains knowledge that has been used by people throughout centuries and continues doing so.
8. Kamakhya Bhakt
After working as a civil engineer for 30 years, Shri Ashok Kumar Jha took the path of Sadhna and transformed into Lal Baba. He has been on a spiritual journey ever since and has been blessed to be accompanied with many Sidda Gurus. In the blog you can read about spiritual quotes, Dhyan Sadhna, Spiritual Gym etc. You can follow the blogger on his spiritual journey through many places through the blog.
9. Indian Temples and Iconography
The blogger Kavitha brings to us religion, tradition, ceremonies, spirituality etc and gives us her unique take on it. She questions the norms and does not follow them blindly. She also gives a voice to women through the blog. She has travelled to numerous temples and prayed to numerous divine forces. In the blog you can participate in her journey as she describes her experiences in great detail and it makes the reader feel like he is experiencing the divine right along her side.
10. Road to Divinity
This blog is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, religion, origin etc. It mostly features teachings from Mahabharata and Swami Vivekananda literature but is not limited to that. It shows how such old or ancient knowledge can be used to improve our current day-to-day life. You can also read incidents, stories and articles that will relate to your life. In this stressful age when everyone wants to go ahead without thinking of the consequences, this blog makes you pause and reflect. It gives you ways of being spiritual without dramatically changing your lifestyle to maintain a balance of it all.
11. Shrut-Sugya
This blog is in Hindi so it connects with the huge masses of the country. The blogger Hansraj Sugya answers the eternal questions of life. You can find many songs, poems, stories and prayers over here. You can also read about the vegetarian lifestyle and how it is very good and important for your health as well as spirituality. The blogger talks about things like ‘Jeevan mulya’, Atmsyam’, ‘Darshan adhyatm’ etc.
12. Pratibimb Prakash
This blog speaks the language of the masses, Hindi. This blog brings the best of both worlds together and talks about Expression, education, Technology, Social happenings, Politics etc. You can read about all the current happenings in the society over here. In the blog he talks about the impact of religion in today’s day and age and how it is affecting us in this new lifestyle. It also shows us the different ways in which religion is connected to our lives, politics, culture etc.
13. Urban Yogi
The blogger is a man like you and me. He is very much interested in yoga, Meditation, books, music, travelling etc which he talks about in the blog. He faces the same everyday difficulties and stress that is faced by us and can relate to it. He breaks down all the unnecessary complexities that we form in our head and shows us how simple life really is. This blog will help you in facing all the negativity you have in your life and give you fight them all with a smile of your face.