Categories: Relationships

13 Reasons Why Every Girl Needs A Crazy Girlfriend

1. When you feel the weight of your job woes and your relationship woes are too much to handle, one evening with her will make you feel on top of the world again.

An evening with the best mind setters; your crazy girlfriends, will be enough to light up the bulb again for everything wrong happened in the time being.

Try it: Night Out, Mountains Drive, Boozing, Car Racing, Dancing and many more adventure with them can set you back to charged up life!

2. She’s the only person who will says “We’re just getting started” after hours and hours of non-stop shopping.

WOW! shopping freaks! who don’t want to move around whole shopping complex and after hours just say, We Have Just Started!

Crazy Girls can spend hours in one outlet trying every stuff they think they will fit in, in the situation if one more craziest girlfriend joins in then what else will be needed further?

3. If any weird guy tries to get flirty with you while you’re both out, she’ll make sure he regrets he ever walked up to you.

What if you get protected by a crazy girlfriend? she will fight for you till he regrets that he flirted with the wrong girl!

That’s the spirit of the best crazy girlfriends!

4. Every time you’re afraid to take a risk, she’ll remind you ‘if it’s worth it, it’s worth taking a risk’.

Crazy Girlfriends are always there to pull you out if there is any risk on you, but the best thing comes when they are the best buddies even in the risks that you take without the knowledge of consequences!

5. There are times when none of your other friends will have the nerve to tell you that,  you’re being stupid in love but she will.

Love mistakes mess up the relations! but they are the blessings at the times, they need to tell us with guts that we are wrong.

They have the nerve to stop us and hold us at the moment when we are getting into the mess. Their protection is the best feeling at times!

6. She makes dealing with break ups a lot less painful and a lot more tolerable.

Oh How Bad! buckets full of tears, and sad songs will hit after breakups, saddest moments of life.


The situation gets sparked up if, a crazy girlfriend hold all the breakup emotions in her and make you feel lightened again. How good it is!

7. She knows you inside out that if something’s wrong with you she’s the first person your mother calls up to discuss the issue with.

Moms wants to know everything always! they are the one who will console your moms for you.

Their support even for your family will make the things go best out of them.

8. Sleepovers are a weekly thing for the two of you, either at her place or at yours.

Best talks are always out at nights when every is at peace.

Weekly sleepovers are the best arrangements for sharing everything happened and for everything needed.

9. There are some deep dark disturbing thoughts you can’t share with anyone but with her OH YES! because she makes you feel comfortable by starting with her own list.

I did this because she did this too! this is the best punchline always! your deep dark thoughts will mix match up with your craziest girlfriend, this will make the best picture out!

Mixing and matching out gives the best tuning to the thoughts when our list gets blended with others. What A Wonderful Feeling!

10. She teaches you that the most important thing in life is to just live every moment and have fun!

Fun statements are started from them and ends on them.

She just spark up the life and teach to live endlessly.

11. When the whole world scoffs at you for chasing your dreams, your girlfriend will be by your side cheering you on.

Someone should always be there to hold you on! a perfect hand on shoulder relieves all the worries and pain.

A crazy Girlfriend is the only human who can believe us on our dreams with a cheering smile.

12. Every time you start doubting yourself, your girlfriend will be there to make sure you believe in yourself!

Hard times brings best buddies together!

This is the time when doubting on oneself will end with a best smile and believe of a great girlfriend!

13. Every time an asshole makes you lose your faith in humanity, your girlfriend will be there to restore it!

Best moment! when a girl cries because of a asshole boy, and a fabulous smile stretches her lips with a evergreen reason: her Craziest Girlfriend!

13 Reasons Why Every Girl Needs A Crazy Girlfriend was last modified: May 27th, 2021 by Pooja Sharma

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