Tanu Weds Manu Returns is a 2015 Indian romantic comedy-drama film directed by Anand L. Rai which serves as a sequel to the 2011 film Tanu Weds Manu. The film has become the first ever film of 2015 to cross the Rs.100 crore mark at the box-office. The report further states that the worldwide gross of Tanu Weds Manu Returns will be amongst the top fifteen of all time because of the overwhelming acting of Kangana in the dual role.Kangana is known for doing versatile roles, and after the success of Queen, the actress has been quite in demand.
But just because it has a nice flow, doesn’t mean that it may also have been flawless. Almost all movies have always been revealing one or the other mistakes lately.
Here are a few mistakes that we found in the movie which are more of bloopers.
1. Marriage counselling in mental Asylum
As in, who does that ? Unsettled marriages disputes are to be handled by mental doctors who would lastly decide on who is to be called a crazy maniac for ruining the relation ? Like, is it even possible ?
2. Family cool with a mental Husband
Well we know that Indian families are weird when it comes to marriages but when Tanu tells about the mental illness of her husband to her family on reaching India, the family doesn’t really pay any heed to the left out husband and instead in the very next shot start talking about the tenant boy capturing their house area. It’s like…they were prepared for such a news ?
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