It’s very normal to miss a person after the breakup! but most importantly the question is, are you really missing him or you are just missing the idea of him?
What you actually miss? The kisses between you or the kisser?
It’s an important thing to emphasize on!
Here are the 7 signs of missing the person or just and an idea of it?
1. You miss cuddling, but not the cuddler.
If you miss the cuddling or the actions of the person, then probably you might not be missing the guy behind that cuddling!
source: hexjam
This is the way to realizing that you’re already over him now!
2. You miss his presence not him actually!
There are things that reminds you of his presence but not him actually!
source: tackk
You only really start to miss his presence when you see your couple friends doing coochy-coo with each other. This reminds you your time but not the person behind it!
3.You fantasize your past dates but not the guy actually!
You don’t miss the guy from your past dates. But you miss the hold of someone near the beach and at the movies!
source: giphy
You are not missing your ex, but you are missing the time and moments you enjoyed
4. You miss the sex but not exactly with him!
You miss the physical intimacy but not with him seriously!
source: tackk
You might miss the sex and need it too, but that does not mean you miss him too for the same!
5. You think about him only into the deep nights!
When you haven’t thought of him all day long. Why to think about him at night?
source: giphy
The simple logic is, you feel like talking to someone at night and when you find no one by your side you miss the conversations!
6. You miss your outings and dinner but not exactly with him!
He uses to take you to dinners and outings. What you simply miss, outings and dinner or boyfriend?
source: giphy
You miss your enjoyment or free dinner, pizzas and the amusement of your life. It can also be done without him if you really want to!
7. You just miss him because the weekend is around and all friends are busy!
Again it’s your desire that is pushing you to miss him!
source: tackk
You have no one on this weekend to spend time with! Are you missing your enjoyment of weekend or
your ex?