How can you prove this that you love them? Real love?
If they really fulfill you or satisfy you or you feel complete with them, of course, this is love, if not, then what is it? C’mon folks accept it here! It’s just an attachment or addiction to be with them. they just fill some space in your life nothing more than this.
Here are the 10 proved signs that you are not in love, but it’s really hell: You Are Attached!
There is a little jealousy in every relationship and it’s perfectly normal.
If you are getting jealous on every second thing from him, then it might be just attachment, not love! Attachment cannot let you see your guy with someone else!
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If at times you are even jealous if they spend time with their parents or siblings and with their gang or besties then there is something wrong. You are with the wrong person or you are too attached!
They came in your life like a breather when you was broken, you just face a disastrous breakup or you was all damaged and needed support!
His timing was good according to you! when you broke up, he came into your life and supported you! that support becomes your love with the time. But judge your feelings again! Might be that does not love- Hell it’s attachment! It was not loved at the first sight it was just a chance that they came. Do we really call it love?
source: giphy
If you feel you love them and you are planning your future with them, then it’s worse guys! Check out your feelings and their importance in your life. Do they really complete you? Or they are like fillers in your life?
source: giphy
You are not afraid that if you lose them your world falls down instantly! But you are afraid that that you will be left alone in this blind game. You are afraid of the loneliness, not afraid to loose your love! You deny the fact that it’s just the attachment.
You know and accept this thing that, if you will find your next love you will run away without giving it a second thought.
source: giphy
You sometimes think to love someone else and feel pity for them. If you will leave them what will happen? Loving someone’s will never get you such thoughts! If these thoughts pop up in your mind then check out soon. You are on the very wrong path!
source: giphy
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