You must have been subjected to many free advice and suggestions for managing your obesity. You are tired of listening to advice for diets and workouts and also to nod your head and smile just for no reason. Some comeback solutions are presented just for you by which you can just shut up the mouths of your so called well wishers:
Source : bdentertainmentdotme.wordpress
11. My Cooking Is Much Better and That Is Why You Look Malnourished
Source: storypick
10. Cold Waves Are Blowing And I Need Food To Insulate My Body Against Cold
Source: gifs.planet
9. I Will Lose Kilos The Day You Decide Not To Be Judgmental
Source: storypick
8. You Know That You Are Sexy And You Can Show Them By Dancing On The Song
Source: stewaard
7. I Love My Collection Of Loose Fitting Clothes And I want To Fit In Them
Source: applejuice01.wordpress
6. You Can Look Into The Mirror And Review Yourself
5. I Will Remain Unmarried Because People Don’t Like ‘Fat Brides’
Source: messydreamer.tumblr
4. Only Real Men Enjoy Curves
Source: animatedmeme.blogspot
3. Fast Food Joints Will Be Closed. Are You Suggesting For Somebody’s Loss!! You Bitch!!
Source: charmed.wikia
2. Even After All Your Efforts I Look More Attractive Than You!! Now, Tell Me What Will You Do!
Source: storypick
1. Sorry.Was Unable To Hear You
Source: storypick
It is your own decision and outlook. Nobody has business to comment or say anything about it. So, do whatever you like and relax.
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