Categories: Lifestyle

9 Questions All Couples Are Tired Of Hearing From Their Single Friends!

You are one of those couples who like to meet each other’s friends whenever you attend a party. You are surrounded by single friends and are often bombarded by volley of weird questions. Dear all single persons please never ask these questions from the friends who are in a relationship:

Source: bollywoodlife

9. “How Did It All Started”!

This is one ofthe main questions which is being asked by the couples. No matter how romantic their love story be, they get tired of telling this story to people again and again.

Source: thatscoop

8. “Don’t You Miss Your Earlier Life”!

What a silly question! Nobody in a committed relationship will answer it as your friend has just found her/his soulmate and you are asking such a rubbish scrap.

Source: rebloggy

7.” Don’t You Miss Flirting With A Hot Men /Women”!

Have you gone mad! You, please keep flirting but leave us the committed ones alone.

Source: weheartit

6. “What Do You Do To Handle Her”!

there is not any recipe for doing so. Both the partners know that they are going in for a relationship. If human emotions are, you think can be handled or tackled by a recipe you would be single all through your life.

Source: amilliongifs-blog.tumblr

5. “Is He/She The Right Choice”!

Nobody is going to say that no he/she is not my chosen one. I am just going to pass my entire life with him/her.

Source: all-about-cr7.tumblr

4.”Don’t You Fight”!

This is not to be asked. Everybody fights but nobody will come and tell you that.

Source: thatscoop

3. “When Do You Plan To Settle Down”!

Well, whenever we will decide the world will know of it.

Source: alwayskatemiddleton

2. “How/Who Proposed Whom”!

 When a couple announces wedding date the first question is this! Come, we will enact the best moment of our life and spoil it forever and what! if there is no proposal at all.

Source: thatscoop

1. “Oh! God What A Boring Thing Love Is”! I Can’t Understand How You People Can love! I Am not Able To Understand It 

This is the reason why you are single!!

Source: ruthlesspunkgirl.tumblr

If you are in a relationship, you can very well understand these 9 questions, you must also have faced, being asked by your single friends.

9 Questions All Couples Are Tired Of Hearing From Their Single Friends! was last modified: May 27th, 2021 by Pooja Sharma

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