Complete your look with the blush on your cheeks and the perfect gloss or lipstick for beautiful lips.
source: envogueng
#Q4 ” Does rub a moisturizer into skin cause wrinkles?”
You are wrong, massaging only helps your skin for good by improving the circulation in your facial area.
Don’t be clumsy, gently rub the moisturizer in circular upward motions and you are done!
source: webmd
#Q3 “What is the effective way to reduce wrinkles?”
Get some peptide creams and use it to reduce your wrinkles.
Peptide creams penetrate into the skin deep within and plump up collagen and give your face more youthful look.
This will decrease the appearance of wrinkles and make your skin tight!
source: dermatocare
#Q2 “How would I know if my skin has cool or warm undertones?”
Check your wrist, if it shows through blue-purple, that means cool tones and if they are on the green side then undertone is warm.
The warm undertones set up with orange reds and cool pairs with blue based reds.
source: thebeautydepartment
#Q1 ” How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?”
It’s a fact that chemical shampoos do no good to our hair. They just ruin the beauty of the hair.
These shampoos reduce the natural oils of the hair and make them lifeless, dry and damaged!
You should not wash your hair more than twice a week!
source: stylecaster