You might have your friends advising you how to care for your skin?
You can read articles, magazines or even you are available with skin care advice online today!
source: ayurvedamagazine
But how can you say that all the advice you get from the north, south or west is 100% up to the mark?
Before adding or cutting down something from your beauty or skin care regimen always check for the proven facts!
Make sure to always check the ingredient list on the back of the products before purchasing. Misumi skin care is known for always providing you with a full list of their organic supplements that they use within their creams. This way you can be sure that whatever you’re putting on your skin, is meant to be there.
C’mon Girls Let’s Breakout All The SkinCare Myths Today!! 12 Skin Care Myths That Have To Be Busted!
#10 “I have applied the sunscreen now I can enjoy 45-degree temperature”!
If sunscreen really works then jump into the pool of it and cover your body with sunscreen all over!
It has only 10-15% effect on our body!
Pick up a hat, scarf, umbrella or cover your arms and body and stay protected from tanning.
source: pinterest
#9 “Facials can do wonders for my skin and I will look fairer”!
The truth is, facial do no wonders to the skin. it causes acne or breakouts.
The massage on your skin improves the circulation of blood that might give the instant physical glow to your skin.
Beyond relaxation, there is no long-term benefit from facials.
After facial when you look into the mirror, it’s just the psychological effect that you look fairer!
source: stonelea
#8 “Natural herbal ingredients make my skin better”!
The ingredients are found in nature, that doesn’t mean, it is always good for health or your skin and body!
Have you ever heard about those bitter almonds? They are poisonous.
That’s the reason, all natural or herbal ingredients are not good for health!
source: bodyandsoul
#7 ” Scrubs are the best thing. My blackheads can be scrubbed away”!
Using the scrub on your blackheads can only remove the head of your blackhead.
Scrubs never affect the underlying body of the blackheads.
Say no to scrubs! Try BHA exfoliants, it penetrates into the skin and dissolve the oil and blackhead!
source: mybeautynaturally
#6 ” Scrubs are the best thing for my acne, can help control my acne too”!
The scrub is the worst thing for acne, it will destroy all the acne and make it hell to handle.
It will spread the bacteria to uninfected areas and make it prone!
source: tumblr
#5 “Steam or hot water opens pores”!
Steam only loosen the dirt, bacteria, oil and makeup from the pores.
It just cleanses your skin deeply.
source: heract
#4 ” It’s good when my products tingle the skin, that means they are working on my skin”!
The sensation you get on your skin when you apply the products or cosmetics, that simply means- they are responding to the irritation of the skin that result in the inflammation.
But you believe- That tingle on the skin is a good cause!
source: imgur
#3 ” Expensive skin care products are always best”!
The ingredients of creams, powder, foundations are almost same. they even have the same effect on your skin and body.
It’s just the fragrance, packaging and attractive colors that attract us towards expensive products!
source: alux
#2 ” Toning is an important step of my skin care routine”!
Toners, especially alcohol base should be avoided.
It’s a fact that toner removes the hidden dirt and remove all the bad oils from the skin.
But toner doesn’t know that which oil is good or bad.
It just removes the oil simply.
source: top10inaction
#1 ” Anti-aging products can wipe away my wrinkles”!
After the use of anti-ageing products, you see the hydration and plumping out of skin that looks fabulous and hide your wrinkles for the time!
Pick up the products with topical retinoids, glycolic acid and vitamin C- These can increase the turnover of the cells.
source: huffingtonpost
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