Dry fruits are the small ingredients of diet. But it is the most powerful thing you consume. you should know the benefits of the dry fruits and how it helps you to maintain the good health of your body!
It comes with the full package of lots of nutrients, fibre, oils, vitamins, carbohydrates and all the essential fats! This not only energise your body but fight with disease-causing bacteria!
source: usconnect
These are the small part of the diet but very important for the body too! You eat almonds, cashews, raisins but don’t know how it is doing good to you. The best thing is that dry fruits possess a lot of medicinal properties that make your immune system strong and healthy!
It is very expensive yet really important to include in the diet too! All the dry fruits are the best thing to maintain the good digestive system and help to increase your metabolic rates!
When you eat the dry fruits, it gives you proteins and lots of energy! It gives you the more calories than the fresh fruits.
These are the biggest source of the antioxidants and that’s the reason, raisins are soaked in water and then consumed for the better results.
source: timeanddate
The biggest secret about the dry fruits is that they don’t contain fats, cholesterol, or sodium. the most important thing that goes unknown about it is that you should always place the dry fruits at the dry, cool and dark place.
It doesn’t have any expiry date but you should consume the dry fruits within one year of the storage!
source: wallpaperscraft
Here are the Dry Fruits- Their Surprising Health And Beauty Benefits!
The best dry fruits that even the small kid knows that it is healthy to eat! It is always said that you should soak the almonds in the water and then consume it next morning!
It gives you the essential fatty acids, fibres and proteins! If you are worried about your weird acne then almonds are the best solution for your acne!
source: goldengategreenista
With almonds, Sip Good Health With Delicious Juices For Glowing Skin!
You can use almonds as the face pack. Crush the soaked almonds and mix some milk and make the paste out of it! Apply it on your face to remove the dead skin cells and dirt from the face!
The very know benefit of the almonds is for the hair! Apply the almond hair oil for long and lustrous hair!
source: gourmet
The biggest thing about the almonds is- It is very useful in order to prevent cancer! It is proved in a research that almonds are the best thing in suppressing the breast cancer!
This dry fruit helps you to protect your white smile and glowing eyes! If you want to keep your smile young always then feed yourself the handful of raisins! This is the good source of vitamin A!
This is a fact that vitamin A is the best thing for the vision of the eyes!
source: souravfoodandagro
Raisins contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps to slow down the ageing process! It is loaded with the potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron and helps to maintain the good blood circulation! If anaemia hits you then counter attack it with the raisins!
source: todayifoundout
To keep your bones, muscles, vision and dental health perfect, say yes! To raisins!
You have always found out in the market about the walnut scrub, walnut mask. The first ever made scrub was of the walnut!
The reason behind this is, walnut is a substance that helps in nourishing the dry skin and improves the texture of the skin!
source: foodimpex
Instant fairness and nourished skin in just 5 minutes! Crush handful of walnuts and mix them with yogurt and make the paste out of it! Try this homemade scrub for smooth skin!
source: humannhealth
Walnut contains linoleic acid that prevents wrinkles and fine lines! It is also called as the brain food because our brain contains almost 60% of Omega 3 fatty acids found in walnuts!
It is a myth that cashew increase the fat of the body! The best thing about the cashew is, cashew’s oil is mixed in the cosmetics and it is the best substance used as anti-tanning!
It helps in preventing blood pressure, blood sugar and prevents migraines!
source: indiamart
This is the substance that helps in lower down your blood pressure and works anti to your high sugar level!
Cashew have the high density of energy level and helps in the weight management!
source: topfoodfacts
This is the yummiest and healthiest dry fruits! Pistachios are called as the powerhouse of the nutrients and vitamins!
This is the richest source of vitamin-E. Pistachios can protect you from the premature ageing and skin cancer.
It’s oil have the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which is very rarely found in the nuts like almonds and walnuts!
source: organicfacts
This provide your body with lots of fibres and proteins!
It helps in maintaining good eyesight and immunity!
You can roast the pistachios and bake them with food too for easy consumptions! Even this can be used as the handy snack!
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