
Lose Weight- Easy Diet Plan From Monday To Saturday!

Are you worried about those extra kilos, those weird curves and that embarrassing double chin problem? You desperately want to lose weight! But only workout and gyming are the only option left with you? Have you ever thought of meals you are taking in a day? Are you planning for some diet plan? Have you made any diet chart till now? What if you get it here? And that too a very simple and quick diet plan from Monday to Saturday!

source: tripadvisor

Here is a gift for you! a very simple surprise of the meal chart that too from Monday when you will start your daily routine for offices and colleges until Saturday when you will be enjoying your weekends! This meal chart or the diet plan of the whole week is so simple, easy and quick that you really don’t need to do any extra efforts to loose your kilos and fats!

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source: dietoflife

You just need to be enough strict with this plan, that you, at least, don’t skip the plan for next two months. This is the sure shot meal plan that will help you to lose weight and that too 10 kilos in next two months. Only if you keep your mind determined to lose weight. Just keep yourself strict and strong to carry this plan for next months!

Here are the best tips to Lose Weight- Easy Diet Plan From Monday To Sunday! ?

#1 Start with delicious Monday to lose weight!

To lose weight you need not skip any of the meals of the day! It is always said that, for good health, you should always have 3 meals of the day! Let’s get started with Monday’s first breakfast!

source: inhabitat

Breakfast- Breakfast should be healthy and light. You should not consume oils, fats, or carbohydrates. just go easy and light with 3/4 cup bran flakes, you can have flavoured bran flakes too for taste! then have one fruit any, banana, apple, grapes, oranges or any fruit you love to eat! Finally, at the end, have one cup fat-free milk. If possible, then avoid sugar in the milk! Drink plain milk for better results!

source: dancingcarrots

Also, read- Sip Good Health With Delicious Juices For Glowing Skin! ?

Lunch- To lose weight lunch should be filling not too heavy to eat and digest! You can avoid having white carbohydrates like- Rice, bread, potato or pasta, noodles. Avoiding this to lose weight, you can pick wheat bread or chapati, 1 teaspoon light mayonnaise on the bread as the sandwich, and the salad of green veggies or fruit. If this is not filling then you can easily have 1 piece of cheese or chicken!

source: author

Dinner- To lose weight always remember that dinner should be consumed 2 or 3 hours before going to bed. You can have fish rice, steamed foods like potato, broccoli, spinach with light spices to give it the taste! Before going to bed, try to have green tea or plain milk without sugar in it!

source: edimdoma

#2 second day of the week- yummy Tuesday!

To lose weight, you should start your day with lemon mixed with honey. For the better results, you can consume honey mixed with lemon in the glass of the hot water. Breakfast- Go easy with cereals mixed with fat-free milk. To lose weight you can try those flavoured cereals for more taste. If you are not feeling filled for the breakfast, you can have fruits. Or a bowl of light salad mixed with veggies!

source: fullmoonacu

Lunch- For this day, just have 2 or 3 chapatis, or you can have a bowl of rice with pulses or vegetables. For more filling lunch you can try to have a small bowl of boiled veggies sprinkled with light spices! Dinner- To lose weight you should more focus on the green tea. Before dinner, you can have light snacks- Oatmeal biscuits with tea. Then for the dinner just have the bowl of salad/veggies. You can also have a small bowl of rice with boiled veggies!

#3 third day of the week, Wednesday- Should go with mouth watering food but healthy too!

To lose weight, you should always have black coffee or green tea. This will help you keep up the good metabolism! ? Breakfast- For great taste and to lose weight fast, you can have Cooked oatmeal in fat-free milk. You can mix dry fruits too! With some fresh fruits like apple and banana topped with honey and lemon!

source: doctoroz

Take a look at these- Dry Fruits- Their Surprising Health And Beauty Benefits! ?

Lunch- Go easy with 1 small bowl rice, and pulses, vegetable curry or you can have a chapati! With the same you can consume fresh fruits like orange or grapes! Dinner- Today you can have yummy dinner. Vegetable curry and chapatis. Baked or steamed potatoes. You can add light spices to your potato for taste!

source: noobpick

# Fourth day keep your taste buds low and healthy!

To lose weight, you can have green tea and add a crisp in your tea by adding lemon to it. It will taste perfect! Breakfast- To lose weight, add fresh fruits to yogurt. Make a smoothie. Add fruits like apple, banana, grapes or oranges to yogurt but never add sugar to it!

source: flathatnews

Lunch- You can sip some delicious soups not more than a cup! To lose weight have radish, tomato and cucumber. With the same have a bowl of boiled veggies. Add taste and sprinkle some spices on it! Dinner- This time consume, cooked or baked rice. You can add carrots and green veggies to it. With the same have some pieces of pineapple, oranges and banana!

source: strawberrysue

# Fifth day is the fruity day!

To lose weight, kick your day with some roasted dry fruits! Breakfast- Have some berries with carrots. A bowl of fresh fruits. A small glass of fat-free milk with some almonds and raisins! Lunch- To lose weight, you should have boiled veggies! This time, you can have cucumber and cheese slice.

source: elephantatta

Dinner- For Friday, only green salad with some grated cheese or paneer on it! You can sip some soup if not feel filled!

Check out these- 10 Bollywood Celebrities Have For Breakfast! OMG! ?

# Sixth day hit a healthy diet party!

To lose weight start your day with skimmed milk and some dry fruits! Breakfast- You can have something delicious, idli with coconut chutney! And 2 pieces of brown bread! Lunch- You can have 2 chapatis, 1 small bowl of rice with any vegetable curry. Some pieces of fruits and tomatoes!

 source: prehabbeforerehab

Dinner- Try to have light dinner. A bowl of steamed vegetables and bedtime green tea added with lemon juice. This will help you with good metabolism!

source: worlddvb

Lose Weight- Easy Diet Plan From Monday To Saturday! was last modified: May 27th, 2021 by Pooja Sharma

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