Sex is an important and needful part of a relationship. In the initial phase of a relationship, you feel shy to get intimate, but as gradually months and years pass, not only understanding and compatibility increase but the way of doing sex and intimation level changes and we go through different phases of sex.
As the relationship progresses so does the sex. Here are the 7 Different Phases Of Sex That Every Couple Goes Through!
You are in a new relationship where you are all new to a guy. You don’t know what he likes and what he dislikes. You are attracted to that guy and every time you meet him, you feel like butterflies in your stomach. It can be just an attraction or infatuation. It will take time for you to know that you really love this guy or not?
Once you know that you love him and want to come close to him, and then you will be able to start spending intimate moments together. In this lust of love phase, it’s difficult to keep your hands off each other. Every time you meet him, you both have sex and now that’s the need of your relationship!
You have spent some months or a year with this guy and finally, you both are committed to each other. Now the thoughts of having sex with someone else are far beyond because you are in a committed relationship. You both don’t have sex every time you meet now, but whenever you have, you are strong on the sex front!
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It’s been years now when you both are together. At this phase of a relationship, the best thing is- You both are comfortable with each other than you have ever been. You don’t need to discuss sex or plan it. You both understand that lying in bed together or cuddling each other will end in making love!
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It’s been a year or two since you are together. You understand each other, love to be with each other and enjoy each other’s company. You are committed and have great intimacy but now it’s time to spend some fun loving moments together. Go for romantic dinners, travel together, go for adventures and try to understand what your partner wants from life!
There comes a time when the couple realizes that they should have sex. It has become a necessity over the time. To keep things alright in a relationship and maintain that importance level, sex becomes a Must Do thing. Sex keeps that intimacy alive.
It’s been years together. Your understanding level has increased and compatibility truly matches. Now, you make love because you want to show love to each other, now it’s not about lust and urge. You have so much to do for each other. Now you are responsible for this relationship and lot of other stuff.
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