We all have gone through that phase once in our life when we were advised not to wash our hair on Thursdays or Saturdays because that may bring bad luck on us or on our relatives. (that’s how they say it). Growing up with such superstitious around yourself, you may consider a hell lot of restrictions making their way inside your neurons on which gradually you start believing and Voila, you become a perfect superstitious girl which is preferable in Indian society. These memes will perfectly fit you and prove that you’re a superstitious girl.
That is a sign of bad luck and you have learnt to avoid these days even if your hair feels super oily.
If a black cat crosses your path it means bad luck is coming towards you or maybe she’s just trying to catch some air another side.
You go crazy on every 13th of a month- basically, you’re in ninja mode. Ready to face the world!!
Coz I will kill the deadly demons in my dream itself with the weapons by my side.
F** the nerve adjustment, my eyes are warning me for some sort of shit coming in my life.
So technically teesre ko bhagao– space issues. Now I know why love triangles can ruin an entire story line of a Bollywood movie.
Coz nails will grow larger than they appear if you cut them on Thursdays. F** hygiene!!
I can bear that, I like curd.
Viruses, Bacteria, environmental change- there’s no such thing that exists in this world. And who needs a doctor then.
The last time I was scratching my hand, I found an ant crawling over it. Hope I can buy something in return of that ant.
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