When It comes to tackle the world for a plus size girl, I would say it’s tough (extremely). You never find comfort in your own skin which in turns makes you conscious all the time, and to forget the judgmental world that will take out the hell out of you by making some of the lamest comments just to put you down. These things may make you a little hassled in your life till you reach a point where you hardly care. Opinions don’t matter, but what about the thoughts that make you uncomfortable all the time. Let’s have a look at such hilarious thoughts that came across your mind everyday.
The last time checked, there were only two. From where the hell this third one came from.
XL is good for tight fit, I think I must invest in XXL for the long run. Also, they are trendy- yeyyy!!
Probably no. The last time I picked a packet of chips was- Ummm, yesterday. Maybe!!
I think I should. It’s hard time I must invest time in that thing. I mean look at Shilpa Shetty- She does yoga and she looks fu*** hot.
All of them are skinny. They look so plastic and unreal. How can someone be so fit after leading such a lavish life? They must be taking some pills or some sort of surgery. They’re wrong, I’m right.
I rule the world, and I can rule my body whenever I want to. Bitch please!!
How can someone be so skinny? This is fake, unreal!! How can they promote such nonsense?
I’m chubby and that makes me cute. There ain’t a single girl who can match my persona.
He has no choice and no class. I don’t think he’s my crush anymore. It was just infatuation, you know!!
Coz no matter how much I eat, this f** fat never escapes. I think even air is responsible for it.
Pizza is nutritious, It has got veggies. How can that harm my body? Oh Cmon, one single slice can never harm.
Hormonal issues, mood swings and what not. One must know to differentiate between fat and bloating.
Image Sources- Hercampus, tumblr, Giphy, thehealthyfatgirl, thatscoop, wikia, uditapal, LGBTbULLETIN, Goodreads
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