10 Traits Which Shows That You Are A True Mumma’s Girl!!

Not all of us are mature enough to imagine a life without their mother and that’s completely fine. The selfless love and affection your mother can give is unmatchable in this wicked world. Since the day we came into existence our mothers are selflessly making every possible effort to make us happy and there’s no one whom we can trust more than her coz all she can think about is related to your welfare. And then there are some of us, who rely a bit more on the than the rest and cannot think of taking a single decision without the consent of her mother. Here we penned down 10 traits which shows that you’re a true mumma’s girl. Proud to be one if you are!!

1. You Are Crazy Over “Ghar Ka Khaana”

Source: hercampus

Coz it’s made by your mom. No matter how delicious delicacy you get, you find it not worthy in front of mom ke haath ka khana. And you always compare everything with that by appraising your home cooked food than the rest.

2. Your Mom’s Wardrobe Is A Treasure Chest For You

Source: tenor

The first saree you ever wore is from your mom’s wardrobe and there are so many classy and delicate pieces on which you always keeps an eye. Your mom’s wardrobe for you is filled with some of the finest clothing you always wanted to try and rely on them completely when in need. From her classic jewelry collection to her vintage sarees, you’re a sucker for everything.

3. Your Mom Knows Everything About Your Relationship

Source: rebloggy

You share each and everything with her and she’s the best advisor for you in such matters. She cares about your feelings and often gives you the much needed emotional support when you feel lonely and isolated.

4. You Strive To Make Your Mother Proud

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You can do anything to make her proud. Your constant efforts towards achieving that proud in her eyes keep inspiring you. You can never do anything that can make her distressed or unhappy.

5. You Love Helping Her Out In The Kitchen

Source: qmix

And you love doing that. It’s a fun time for you both when you both spend some good time together and share your daily details with her.

6. Your Mom Is The First Person You Call When In Trouble

Source: theodysseyonline

Coz she’s the one who protected you from everything since you were a child. Whenever you’re sad, lonely, distressed or in some trouble the first person that comes into your mind is your mom, coz somewhere you believe that she’ll take you out from almost anything.

7. You Feel Genuinely Sad Whenever You And Your Mom Argue

Source: gurl

An argument with your mom instantly makes you regret and you ended up apologizing all the time. Her absence makes you uneasy and that is something that you cannot tolerate.

8. You Put Her Before “Bae”

Source: theodysseyonline

Nothing matters to you more than your mother and she retains a priority in your life for whom you can sideline almost everything and anything even if it is the person you love.

9. If Anyone Says Something Bad About Your Mother, You Get Into World War-3 Gesture

Source: giphy

The person who tries to disrespect her must prepare to tackle a one on one war with you. They’ll instantly fall into your hit list from where there’s no look back from them.

10. You Hang Out With Your Mother More Than Your Friends

Source: theodysseyonline

Coz for you, she’s the coolest and most fun to hang out with. You go on a lunch or dinner date with her and you spend some cool time together taking endless selfies together.

Major Mommy Missing!!

10 Traits Which Shows That You Are A True Mumma’s Girl!! was last modified: May 27th, 2021 by Arihant Jain

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