Handbags, purses, wallets etc, you can call them by these names and many more, these fashion items have become a essential thing for the modern women. They all come in different brands, shapes, styles, and colors. Some bags are designed for high end fashion community while others are created for the urban community. Many women don’t go out without carrying their handbags as a piece of accessory or a fashion statement. There are so many expensive handbag brands in the world which we can talk about.
Here listing 10 most expensive handbag brands in the world:-
Chanel launched a handbag recently named as ‘Diamond Forever.’ As we know nothing can beat a classic. So, this bag is Chanel classic design bag, which is crafted from fine crocodile leather and completed by 334 diamonds(3.65 carat). The shoulder straps are made from white gold. This bag has a heavy price of $261,000. Chanel only made 13 of these and 5 are in the US.
This fendi bag is called ‘The Fendi Selleria’. This bag was made from two of world’s most expensive and rarely available animal skins- Sable And Chinchilla. This bag has 1150 hand sewn stitches.
Louis Vuitton has launched its most expensive handbag recently- A $55,000 alligator skin handbag. This bag is called by the name of ‘City Steamer’. The nude-colored handbag can be carried in hand, over the shoulder, or cross-body.
This exclusive white Himalaya Birkin, which is handmade from Niloticus crocodile skin with more than 240 diamonds on it. This bag is the most expensive bag ever sold at an auction.
This bag is made with brown crocodile leather and gold hardware. So if you’re looking to add a class to your outfit, this shoulder bag is worth the attention.
Lana Marks brought this Cleopatra clutch series. Lara Marks only allows to produce one Cleopatra bag every year with different design, shape and color. This year’s Cleopatra bag from is made of alligator skin hide in a metallic silver material. And this clutch’s white gold clasp has almost 1500 black and white diamonds of 18-carat each.
Also read, Top 30 Luxury Handbag Brands In India in 2022
This purse is in shape of a rose in full bloom and made from high quality leather, metal claps and sling. This purse has a very heavy price tag- $92,000 which comes from the fact that it is covered in precious stones – 1,016 diamonds, 800 tourmaline gemstones and 1,196 pink sapphires.
This bag is made from a supple but tough white crocodile skin. This designer purse is fitted white gold shoulder straps and is adorned with 39 high quality white diamonds.
This is the world’s most expensive handbag and certified by Guinness Book of World Records. This heart shaped purse is made with 4,517 diamonds- 56 pink diamonds, 105 yellow diamonds and 4356 colorless diamonds( total 381.92 carats). It took ten skilled artisans who completed it in 8800 hours of work.
This Marc Jacobs bag is made from exotic purple crocodile skin, giving it a smooth texture exterior and inside. This bag is one of the most popular bags of Marc Jacobs.
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