The older we get, the more we value health and the more we care about it. The ability to consciously take care of your health depends on how well your self-preservation instinct is developed, and how high your level of intelligence is. It is always easier to maintain health than to cure diseases. If you have reached this critical point of understanding, then it is time for you to engage in preventing the development of heart disease without delay, right now. We have gathered some tips.
Varicose veins are not only an aesthetic defect but a serious disease requiring treatment. Even a barely noticeable reticule on the legs, in the absence of adequate measures, can lead to thrombosis, trophic ulcers, and other health-threatening complications. It is very important to start a therapeutic treatment in a timely manner, one of the main methods of which is the use of compression products. Read more about it here:
Rational nutrition is a trivial thing, but necessary. Eating fruits and vegetables helps to keep our vessels healthy, and therefore our hearts. Whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread, and vegetable oil are also part of a healthy diet. Fried, smoked and fatty dishes should be excluded from the menu, first of all, it concerns products of animal origin, but fish and seafood should be left included in your daily meals.
Eliminate from the diet foods and drinks that stimulate the central nervous system and heart. This is a strong tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, spicy seasonings. The same goes for alcohol in large quantities. All of them are provocateurs of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Obesity is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases. Those people who have an excess of visceral fat are at risk. It accumulates in the abdomen and around the internal organs – the liver, kidneys, stomach. These fat deposits are much more dangerous than subcutaneous fat, as it is more difficult to get rid of it.
There can be no doubt. It is necessary to give up what can kill. Smoking is an insidious and dangerous habit. First of all, smoking causes great harm to the heart and blood vessels. After one cigarette you smoke, blood pressure rises, the risk of blood clots and artery blockage increases. At the same time, the smoker’s pulse is 15,000 heartbeats per day more often than non-smokers. Consequently, the load on the heart is somewhere around 20% above normal.
If you feel unwell, are at risk, or have already suffered a cardiovascular disease, you should always keep a portable blood pressure monitor on hand, with which you can measure blood pressure and heart rate (HR). Blood pressure should not exceed 130 to 90 mm Hg. Art., and heart rate – 60-80 beats per minute.
Be sure to remember these easy tips in order to save your health even if today you are young and do not want to think about it!
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