Who knew buying socks was such a tedious task? From quality to perfect fit we look for everything. But have you ever wondered how we never really pay attention to the sock sizes when we buy our socks? We often just look at the pair, usually match the sole with our foot size and buy.
But that is totally wrong! Ever wondered how all your life you had been doing such a small and easy task in the wrong way? Yeah, that’s exactly how we felt until we came across the sock size chart. Over our numerous years in the business, we sock pixies have gotten a cabinet full of crucial data about sock sizes, which can be shockingly befuddling! Sizes can shift across various brands, and sock sizes are not the same as shoe sizes, taking the disarray to an unheard of level.

With a lot of research we came to the terms that the best way to find the perfect sock sizes for ourselves is to refer it to our shoe sizes. Let us help you by showing the sock size chart.
The Sock Size Chart In Detail

- The 9-11 sock sizes actually represent the length of the sock in inches, which is 9-11 inches in length. This sock size is for men with a shoe size of 3-8 (USA), 4-7.5 (UK) and 36-41 (European). While it is suitable for women with a shoe size of 5-10 (USA), 4-7.5 (UK) and 36-41 (European).
- Similarly, the 10-13 sock size on the sock size chart is for socks of 10-13 inches. It is a perfect fit for men with a shoe size of 7-12 (USA), 8-12.5 (UK) and 42-46 (European). And as for women, it is suitable for women with a shoe size of 10.5-13 (USA), 8-12.5 (UK) and 42-46 (European).
- The 14+ sock size is for socks having 14 inches or above of length. For men, it is suitable for a shoe size of 12.5+ (USA), 13+ (UK), 47-51 (European). While for women, it is suitable for a shoe size of 14+ (USA), 13+ (UK), 47-51 (European) according to the universal sock size chart.
What Is Sock Size Compared To Shoe Size?
Have you at any point thought about what the 9-11 or 10-13 methods on ladies’ and men’s sock sizes are? These numbers address the number of inches long your foot is, as opposed to your shoe size! That is something that will in general stumble upon individuals about sock sizes. Here’s the means by which those sock sizes convert to shoe sizes according to the above given sock size chart:
Ladies’ socks are normally recorded on sock bundling as “Size 9-11.” This means a ladies’ U.S. shoe size of around 5-10.
Also must check out, 13 Different Types Of Socks Everyone Should Wear!!

Men’s socks are commonly recorded on sock bundling as “Size 10-13.” This means a men’s U.S. shoe size of around 8-12.5.

What Size Do You Need?
What’s your shoe size? That is the most effortless approach to sort out your sock size. The sock size chart given at the beginning of this blog might help you with your buy. If you are someone who prefers wearing oversized socks or a little bigger size, you can opt for buying one size bigger. Otherwise, the sock size chart is the best to go for.
Types Of Sock Sizes Based On Their Lengths
Apart from the sock size chart in reference to shoe size and inches, sock sizes are also measured in lengths. This helps in finding the right sock sizes for the occasion or to pair up with your attire. Having your socks distinguished according to their sizes in lengths might save you a lot of time when getting ready for an event.
Different brands distinguish different types of sock sizes according to their manufacturing. There are some mainstream and common sock sizes in lengths that would make it easier for you to differentiate. Below are some of the common sock sizes in lengths that are used universally:
Knee High

Mainstream in the colder months or for explicit games, the knee high sits just underneath the knee or sometimes above the knees. Generally worn by children to match up with school uniform, or simply pair up the loungewear during cold winter days.
Also Read: Perfect Pair: Socks for Every Basic Need

The crew sock length is the most famous athletic sock size. Ideal alternative for stockings. They are usually worn by sports persons but nonetheless, you can also wear them in a casual outfit.
High Ankle

Otherwise called “mini crew”, these socks sit between the crew and low ankle lengths. These socks are amazing to match up with your conventional shoes.
Low Ankle

Otherwise called “micro crew”, this sock scarcely stands out from the shoe. The ideal sock size when you don’t need anyone to see you are wearing socks and still be comfortable in your shoes.
Kids’ Sock Sizes
All guardians and parental figures realize that children’s sizes are past confounding, and there’s no exemption with socks! Each brand has various qualifications, like small and large, youth and junior. Also, we as a whole realize each youngster develops at an alternate rate.
There are three primary classes of socks for youngsters:
Baby socks: These are for infants up to around 1 year old. Remember how quick these little munchkins are developing and evolving! If all else fails, go greater, permitting the child to develop into the socks. At the point when the child grows out of the socks, these socks can make magnificent holiday decorations, pet socks and that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

Toddler socks: They are for little ones around 1 to 4 years of age who wear baby shoe sizes 4 to 7. On the off chance that the little child you’re looking for is a quick cultivator, feel free to move into the children’s sizes 8 and up.

Boys’ and Girls’ socks: They are for kids around 5 to 10 years of age who wear children’s shoe sizes 8 to 13 and afterward on up to a size 3. By about age 10, most children can find a way into standard ladies’ sock sizes.

We hope this article helps you in choosing the right-sized pair of socks so that it will provide the necessary comfort and performance that you need! Follow our guide before you shop for socks in future. If you like this article, share it with your friends and let us know in the comment section about which type of socks would you like to wear!