
The Maltese Dog Lifestyle With CBD

There is a breed, type, and personality of dog to suit everyone at every age, and increasing in popularity is the well-known Maltese dog. Its elegant white coat skimming the floor as it scurries along, their happy face lighting up when they see you, it is no wonder this breed is taking the world by storm.

Even more intriguing is the fact that for centuries and still today these dogs have been winning dogs shows the world over, and rightly so, with the proper grooming it is hard to imagine otherwise. So what contributes to their distinct look, their near-perfect coat of hair, and petite bodies that seem as if they’re floating when in full flight? One word – diet.

Maltese menu

Diet and nutrition are important for a healthy lifestyle, and even more so if you are training and grooming them for upcoming competitions, it is more than regular brushing and mild physical activity.

Ensuring your pet has a healthy appearance comes down to the essential vitamins and minerals needed for the optimal working of its internal system. Calcium for their bones and teeth development, biotin which is essential in breaking down fats and carbohydrates and keeping that award-winning coat looking shiny and healthy.

See this interesting article here for how other pet owners take care of their pets the best way they know-how, and it is always good to hear what others recommend or to learn from their mistakes and experiences.

There is no perfect way to take care of a dog, no exact format to follow, but doing research and homework on the breed of dog you do have will give you that added advantage, and what could be the winning formula.


When we go to the supermarket we continuously see shelves stacked high with products that seem to last forever without spoiling, so how are they managing to sit on shelves and not molding over? Unfortunately, too many brands and companies include large amounts of preservatives and flavors that essentially dilute the vitamins pets need, and who knows the negative long-term effects these additives could have on your pet’s life?

Rather look for pet boutiques that specialize in all-natural and organic meals and dog snacks or treats, ingredients such as CBD that are increasing in popularity daily offer a wide range of health positives all the while grown naturally and chemical and toxin-free. This way you know they have taken the time and care to produce a quality product with your pet’s best interest in mind. 

Product labels that state exactly what is in the product make it easier to tweak and tailor the menu for your furry family member, and knowing your maltese personality you’ll make better food choices suited to the health requirements. Believe it or not, dogs can also be fussy eaters, but seeing the ingredients listed and printed on the packaging, we can essentially avoid this and prevent the risk of them not eating at all.

Learning that CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is highly versatile and suitable for all ages and animals, makes it easy to add into foods and dinners. Your Maltese pup will be intrigued and excited to see the day’s meal, adding variety and interest. 

The role of proper nutrition

It is advised that you leave a bowl of dry food out for your pup to snack on whenever they are hungry, and always use well-known or veterinary recommended brands for your dog as opposed to generic alternatives which may not offer the full nutritional value needed. 

Canned foods, as well as natural foods, are advised, but avoid giving them cooked bones as they tend to have sharp edges when they splinter and can get stuck in their throats. Most importantly never feed Maltese onions, chocolate, and an extensive list which you can check in this link as even the smallest amount could have severe consequences and most likely death. 

They have tiny stomachs which make digesting difficult foods tricky, always be cautious when preparing meals if opting to try something new or trying new ingredients. 

The greatness of the Maltese

For years dating back to as early as Roman times, this breed has been one that pet lovers have been drawn to, they were highly popular amongst royalty being the perfect size for laps, and were often fed out of gold dishes. 

What many people may not know is that the Romans specifically bred and ensured the proper diet of their dogs to keep their coats immaculate and as white as possible, they believed that the whiter the coat the more divine the animal. Thus the dog became a sacred emblem in sociel status and the deceased were celebrated with elaborately built tombs.

One appealing factor that makes them stand out from so many dog varieties is that they have ‘hair’ instead of fur which is great for families with children who have allergies (the coat is hypoallergenic) and that they don’t shed – and this fact alone is enough to want to have a Maltese pup over any other right?

At the end of the day owning an animal is a great joy, along with the responsibility that comes with any living organism, dogs offer an endless supply of love. Seeing their happy faces at the door as they greet us coming home after a long day at work makes everything worth the while.

The Maltese Dog Lifestyle With CBD was last modified: September 8th, 2022 by Priyanka Jain

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