Everyone has their own sense of style and fashion, and everyone shops for clothes based on that particular sense. When we have certain special occasions coming up, we will buy more formal attires, and then we will shop for more casual outfits when going for walks or exercising. Then, there are also business clothes that you wear in an office. The point is that the industry of clothing is divided in numerous different categories, and people are used to that already.
Just like you do your best to buy formal outfits for special occasions, you will need to do your best to buy the right outfits when enjoying certain outdoor activities. For example, if you enjoy horseback riding, or you work with horses on a daily basis, it is important for you to think about what it is that you are going to wear while around those animals. The Equestrian and similar websites will tell you everything you need to know about the clothes you should wear, as well as the pieces of equipment that your horse should wear when this sport is in question.
As you might have guessed it, you will need to invest in equestrian clothing if you want to be safe and comfortable while horseback riding. In case you are not quite certain what this type of clothing is, which items you need to buy, or how to find the best brands that are trending in the mainstream, then here is what I suggest. Keep on reading to get the answers to those significant questions.
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What Is Equestrian Clothing?
We will take those questions one at a time. And, naturally, the first thing we need to do is make sure that you understand equestrian attire in the first place. What exactly is this? Equestrian attire is clothing that is not only fashionable, but also extremely functional when word goes of horseback riding. It helps improve your riding performance, and keeps you safe during the process.
So, I guess that you understand the significance of buying these types of clothes. Sure, you will most probably look amazing in them, but that is not the main reason why you should buy them. The main reason to buy these is because you want to stay safe while engaging in this activity. Plus, as mentioned, these attires will help improve your general performance and help you use those skills you have to the fullest extent.
Read about what to wear when horseback riding.
Apart from thinking about properly dressing yourself, you will also need to think about doing the same for your horse. In different words, certain pieces of equipment and clothing items for horses are also apart of the equestrian attire. There are jumping boots, towel rugs, saddle pads and other similar items that your horse may need. Thus, instead of simply equipping yourself, make sure to equip your animal as well.
What Items Do You Need To Buy?

If you are now wondering which particular items you should buy, let me tell you about a few of the most necessary ones. Before we get to that, I want to make it clear that these clothing items don’t need to be extremely expensive. Sure, the price will sometimes be a reflection of quality, but that doesn’t alway shave to be the case. In fact, once you find the perfect equestrian clothing brands, you’ll surely get perfect quality, regardless of the costs. We will get to the part of finding those trending brands later, though, because we first have to help you figure out which items you should buy.
1. Headgear
As explained, equestrian attire serves to keep you safe. So, it is perfectly logical that headgear should befirst on the list of equipment you should buy. Of course, you can find highly fashionable headgear, butprotection should be your top priority when choosing these items. This is why you should search forapproved headgear, because the items from that category are known to be able to provide you with agreat level of protection.Search forASTM/SEI certifiedand adequately fitted equestrian helmets to beproperly protected.
If you ride on a daily basis, you should buy two-way stretch tights, because those will be the most comfortable. These sometimes come with knee and seat patches made of leather that provide for more grip and that are of much better quality than tights made for general use and not specifically for horseback riding. Some people ride in jeans or pants, so if you decide to do that, it will be important for you to avoid those pants that tend to twist and wrinkle on the inside of your legs and knees.Furthermore, the pants shouldn’t be too long, because that could lead to them getting caught on something, which could result in injuries.
When thinking about what to wear for horseback riding, and you can find out more about that on this page, you’ll also need to consider proper shirts. Your T-shirt should fit properly, meaning that it shouldn’t be too loose or long. Once again, that could lead to it getting caught on something, which could injure both you and your horse.
4. Footwear
Footwear is one of the most significant pieces of attire to buy. This is because it has a significant impacton your safety. There are numerous different types of boots that you can find, so make sure to shop forthose that are comfortable, as well as suitable for your riding type and preference.
How To Find Equestrian Clothing And Fashion Brands That Are Trending?
If you are now wondering how you can find mainstream equestrian clothing brands, let me immediately tell you that this won’t be difficult. There are a lot of online shops nowadays, selling various brands. Your task is to figure out which brands could be most suitable for you, by reading about their products, about the quality of those, and about other people’s opinions regarding the mentioned quality. Of course check the prices too, so that you can find an affordable option and choose the perfect equestrian brand for you.