3. The “No one I’m interested in because I am committed” Zone!
Wake up and smell some fresh brews! If you are interested in someone then don’t let your feelings fall down just because you are tagged as ‘ I am committed’!
This relationship zone will leave you with nothing in hands! You will never get that person to whom you love and the person you are with! Get out of this relationship zone and accept the truth that you love someone else in your life! Commitments are made for happiness not for getting trapped in relationship zone!
source: giphy
This is the very basic problem that often zone the people in the relationship. If you feel that expecting too much and overflooding of emotions and feelings is screwing your relationship them step forward and make a positive move towards another girl you are interested in!
It’s very much okay guys, don’t be relationship zone! you raise yourself or time will do so, but that will be painful!
2. The “Let’s stay in touch always” Stupid Zone!
What are you thinking? Will you be friends forever with your ex? Seriously?
The very simple concept here is, even if you get into another relationship after the breakup, your ‘Friends forever with your ex’ attitude will come up as the disaster in your life. This is what we call the weird and after relationship zone, that ultimately sucks your life!
source: giphy
Your breakup feelings, moments you spent together, places you visited, anniversary dates of your ex-relation will ruin your present and future both. Always remember: A couple after the breakup can never be friends forever. If ever be then it will be disastrous damn! Sure!
1. The “We are just friends nothing else” Annoyed relationship zone!
If you feel that your friend understands you much better than your own girl, then what’s wrong in making a move towards her?
You just think that ‘we are just friends, she never assumed me anything more than a friend, she friend zoned me or something that just reveals your negative approach towards her”!
source: giphy
Just ask yourself these questions now: Have you ever asked her if she is interested in going for a coffee?
Is she herself said this, that ‘she friend zoned you’ or these are just your personal assumptions? Does she ever revealed that ‘you are just a friend for her’?