Categories: Health & Wellness

Types Of Breastfeeding & How To Do Them

So, as you guys know that we have been writing on breastfeeding tips and tricks and info this week. Just like that, today, we’re covering all the known types of breastfeeding you can consider.

Learn How To Warm Breast Milk Here!

For most of the new mothers, they learn this skill from their mother-in-laws but for others, they learn from experience. Do let us know, how you learned all the types of breastfeeding in the comments below. Also remember that for good life of your milk, you must read breastfeeding diet for mothers and kids.

Talking about the types or the ways to breastfeed a child, it must be known that a new born is a delicate individual. So, make sure that if you follow these positions, you don’t end up hurting the baby. Even a single position can cause disability or fractures in the child. Hence, be sure about the positions carefully.

So, before we start with the types of breastfeeding positions, here are some things you need to know.

Breastfeeding can be difficult

Yes! Breastfeeding can be difficult. A lot of new mothers and mothers of 40+ face difficulties while breastfeeding. Hence, you must know about the problems of breastfeeding.

Do you know the top breastfeeding tips for lactating mothers?

Refill their stomach often

Even if you’re not able to produce much milk, you would still have to feed them anyhow. Although, a new mother can face difficulties while producing ample amount of milk. So, for this, they can simply start pumping. This would tell the body that it needs to produce more milk.

Learn about Breastfeeding problems as well after reading this blog.

Milk gets fast digested

A baby produces less amounts of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach which means that they can’t consume heavy or outside food. Therefore, in order to fulfill a child’s need, mother’s milk is the best. It gets digested fast and provides optimum nutrition.

But, the main issue is the flow of milk for the child. If a mother isn’t able to produce enough milk, then she may need to use pumps etc.

Now, these were the problems of breastfeeding. Let’s start with the types of breastfeeding positions.

Cradle Position

You might have seen mothers keeping the baby on their hand, supporting its neck and body. This is one of the most common breastfeeding positions.

This position helps in making the child feel safe and secure. The child won’t drink like its food is going to be taken away. Hence, this makes up for one of the best types of breastfeeding.

Clutch Position

Now, this position is a bit weird. But, this depends on how the shape and position of the nipple is present. Due to some improper positioning of the nipple, a mother may have to use this clutch position.

The baby is positioned on the same side as the breast it is feeding on. This means that if the baby is nursing on the left breast, then it’ll be held to the left side of the mother. It can be little uncomfortable for the mother in the beginning, but which mother won’t do such a sacrifice for her baby?

Side Lying Position

If a mother is feeling weak, then she can use such a type of breastfeeding to feed her child. Lifting a baby in hands can be a tough task for mothers who have been through a C-Section delivery. Hence, they’re often recommended to utilize Side Lying position as a decent type of breastfeeding.

In case you feel that you’re producing less milk from the breast your child is nursing from, then you can shift and lay on the other side.

Back Lying Position

This can provide relief to the mother’s back. We know that you have had a lot of problems while carrying the baby for the last few months. Now, your back needs some rest. Hence, for such a situation, you can use this type of breastfeeding.

Although, there is one problem with this type of breastfeeding. You might face difficulties with producing milk in decent quantity. Hence, you may not produce much milk.

Also, if you can’t produce much milk in this position, then your child might get irritated as it may be making a lot of efforts for less quantity of milk.

So, these were all the types of breastfeeding you can consider for your child. Let us know which position is comfortable to you and which is not so comfortable. Do share the blog on your social media and let others also have this informative blog.

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Types Of Breastfeeding & How To Do Them was last modified: May 29th, 2021 by Piyush Prakash

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