Ajwain is one of the strongest seeds in any Indian kitchen. It’s an olive green colored seed which has a slightly pungent yet strong smell which is something most people would not like to be smelled like. Ajwain has its own share of perks and they are something which you can absolutely love, so much so that you won’t be able to get it off your menu. It has a lot of benefits which is why it is considered in a lot of pickles and Achars. In this blog, we are going to talk about Ajwain water benefits and why you should be drinking it.
Maintaining your digestive health

There are various benefits of drinking Ajwain water and one of them is to maintain your digestive health. Ajwain water is good for maintaining equilibrium in your stomach and ensures that the juices secreted in your stomach and liver are regulated and not unregulated.
Helps in Asthma prevention and healing

Many people use Ajwain water for weight loss but on the other hand, it is also used to heal and cure asthmatic symptoms. It cleans the mucus present in the Oesophagus and ensures that the tract for airflow is clean.
Regulating menses

If you have a problem during menstruation regarding the blood flow and other things, then you should be checking out Ajwain water as it benefits in regulating the menses. No matter whether your flow is irregular or slow, you can have a sip of Ajwain water and it may help you.
Ajwain water for weight loss

Ajwain is one of the key components at reducing weight. It has cutting properties. You can either choose to drink a glass full of Ajwain water or take a tablespoon of Ajwain seeds directly early in the morning on an empty stomach.
Check out: 10 Benefits of Jeera water that make it the most awesome drink!
Tooth pain relief

In Ayurveda, it has been mentioned that Ajwain is a panacea for tooth pain and bad breath. Even if you check out some of the tooth pain medicines or paste, you may be shocked to find Ajwain as one of the key components. Thus, such benefits of drinking Ajwain water are amazing.
Liver and kidney malfunction

Liver and kidney are one of the most important organs which are more prone to catching problems. If you feel that these organs don’t function properly, then you should be leveraging Ajwain Water benefits for this.

If you know anyone who is struggling to rectify their Arthritis, then do recommend a warm glass of Ajwain water. It can substantially improve the condition of Arthritis. In some cases, there have been reduction in the Uric acid, however it is not yet confirmed whether it happened because of Ajwain water only. But you can still take advantage of Ajwain water benefits.
Check out: 10 Jeera Water Side Effects that you need to know!
Treats common cold
If you are looking for a common cold home remedy, then you should be checking out Ajwain water. A lot of people drink Ajwain water for weight loss. But, Ajwain water is more than just weight loss. You can check out Ajwain water to treat common cold. Take luke warm water and add a pinch of Ajwain in it. And that’s all.
Anti-Fungal and Anti-Germ

Ajwain water is one of the best for cleaning wounds. If you have recently got a wound or a scratch on your body, then apply Ajwain water on that part and surely in sometime, it will start recovering fast. You can also make a thick paste of Ajwain and Jeera and apply the same on your skin.
Stop greying of hair

If you are worried about your hair getting grey, then you can use this remedy. Take a spoon full of Ajwain, Jeera, curry leaves, and dry grapes. Now mix all the ingredients in water and boil it. Now drink the Ajwain water that you have prepared everyday till you start seeing the results.
So these were some of the Ajwain water benefits which you must take advantage of. Do let us know how you liked this blog. For any comments and queries, feel free to text us on our Facebook or Instagram page.