With the numerous anti-aging facelift clinics available worldwide, the need for a firm, taut, and younger-looking skin is on the rise. The rapid advancements in technology have seen numerous alternate procedures being adopted for developing beauty trends. In this era of social media, the popularity of cosmetic procedures is advancing rapidly, with painless, non-invasive procedures being considered by most individuals.
In the cosmetic industry, particularly facelifts, many clinics offer numerous procedures that promise exemplary results after a few sessions. But what distinguishes one facelift procedure from the next? Many of these procedures currently in the market do not offer the intended results. The Viva Facelift is a new procedure in the market, with spectacular results visible in the shortest time possible. The Viva Facelift is a specialized non-surgical procedure designed for all skin types and focuses on the full face instead of treating different areas on the face. With smart injection techniques and holistic approaches, consumers are assured of value for their money.
What does the Viva Facelift involve?
This procedure seeks to rejuvenate the skin and improve overall skin elasticity by using dermal fillers. Before a facelift procedure, consumers can book an appointment with a certified dermatologist and technician to conduct an assessment. The dermatologist observes the individual’s skin type and advises on the way forward.
It is best to have a realistic expectation of the results intended to be achieved. A professional technician or dermatologist will assess the skin and develop conclusions on focus points and the expected results after the procedure. It is also best to discuss individual needs that you might want to achieve during the assessment to ascertain viable options.
After the assessment, the injections are done in spaced-out sessions depending on your skin type. Noticeable results are seen after fourteen days, where consumers can notice the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Consumers also attest to a tight skin and a lot more smooth and sharp jaw and cheek lines after the procedure. This is a considerable short time to view incredible results compared to other facelift sessions, which take a longer time. The Viva Facelift procedure can last consumers for two years until they feel the need to get additional treatment.
The Viva Facelift also applies various techniques to achieve the best results, depending on the problem areas. A multi-polar radio frequency and Pulsed Magnetic fields seek to produce heat in the underlying areas. This allows for collagen and Elastin production necessary for youthful skin by preventing the rapid forming of wrinkles. Skin resurfacing technology is also adopted to provide anti-aging solutions. As the face endures numerous tugging and sagging as the years go by, the technology implores facial rejuvenation to reverse damage to the skin.
The cost of the Viva Facelift depends on the levels of aging an individual may have. However, most clinics offer a free consultation for patients to provide a suitable quote for the dermatologist.
Benefits of Viva Facelift

Despite other cosmetic procedures that require surgical procedures, the Viva Facelift is non-surgical and non-invasive, posing a welcome advantage to the consumer. This aspect seeks to reduce the possibility of complications that may arise from surgical procedures.
The Viva Facelift also implores unique and uniform filler amounts that make the consumer attain a more natural and proportioned finish. Through the use of ArqVectoring, the right amounts of filler are carefully injected in all face locations in a specific way that avoids the skin’s tissues to slump after treatment, creating a seamless and smooth finish.
The Viva Facelift procedure can be customized according to individual face shape and bone structure. This enables the dermatologist to adapt to changing areas as the individual ages, making the procedure the best option in the market instead of a surgical procedure.
The procedure does not restrict users depending on age groups. For instance, a thirty year old can schedule a consultation to assess their skin and get recommendations. The treatment procedure is mild and holistic is safe and efficient to the skin, leaving the consumer with a noticeable glow and lift.
The Viva Facelift is perfectly safe with no adverse side effects to any skin type or color. The treatment procedure offers no discomfort to the consumer and requires no downtime after a session.
This procedure also seeks to serve as a preventive measure against anti-aging and sagging. Consumers do not have to wait until they notice skin sagging and aging but instead opt for the procedure as it stimulates the skin to maintain collagen and elastin levels before aging starts.
Market survey
The global cosmetic industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% until 2025. With a growing competitive landscape, the need for quality services is imminent for industry players to retain their stake in the market. With the changing lifestyle and demand for enhanced individual appearance, consumers are looking for cutting-edge techniques that efficiently address health issues such as aging and blemishes.
Key players in the industry should employ various strategies such as product launches, joint partnerships, and acquisitions to increase their stance and recognition in the market. By raising awareness of the cosmetic procedures available in the market, key players can meet the rising demand for non-invasive techniques.
The stringent regulations in the industry are necessary to ensure uniformity and safety standards. Therefore, the required standards and policies should be implored for certification and market growth.
Things to consider
Consumers looking to try out the Viva Facelift procedure should ensure they have access to certified professionals for maximum results. Credible professionals erase the chance of side effects and ensure the final product is uniform and natural-looking.
The Viva Facelift procedure conducted by a professional is reversible and extensively tested, being safe to use.
Consumers seeking to try out the Viva Facelift should be in general good health and dedicated to maintaining proper skin health. Taking care of the skin enables the treatment to last longer and gel well with the body. Try out the Viva Facelift today and start the journey to a younger looking skin.