Being a parent is an exciting change in life. You’re not just responsible for your own being anymore, you got a family to take care of! Of course, it’s not all fun and games. Being a parent is a serious matter that entails serious responsibilities. Parents understand that what they’re dealing with is permanent, but for would-be parents, it’s still a dream for tomorrow.
To fully prepare those who are going to be parents very soon, here are some ways parenthood affects your life:
It’s Not About You Anymore
One of the most jarring aspects of parenthood that many would-be parents don’t immediately realize or understand is that for a long while after having kids, your life will revolve around them. It’s going to stop being about you. That’s the hard truth of being a parent: many of the actions you do are to support your children.
You begin to work harder and want to progress in your career to be a better provider. You sacrifice hobbies and games to spend more time with them. Many of what you do will be dedicated to them, and that’s the reality of being a parent. It stops being about you as a person, and more you as a parent to your child.
You Dress for the Occasion
Before, couples would dress to please each other. While that’s something that is still definitely welcome as it makes couples happy, things are different with kids around. You begin to want more pockets to stuff things in. Even your accessories begin to change: you might want silicone rings instead of metal ones, as some kids have an allergic reaction to some types of metals.
You might not want to wear bracelets or earrings, as they’re pulling hazards (especially when you carry babies). These are some changes no one can really predict but are guaranteed to arrive in some form or another. You will still dress for the occasion, but this time the occasion is one that’s centered around your children.
Self-Care Makes a Lot More Sense Now

Taking care of children is one thing, but taking care of yourself is another. Now more than ever, self-care begins to have quite a different meaning. It still means taking care of yourself both physically and mentally, but not just because of you. Self-care means you’ll be able to continue providing for your children, that you won’t get sick and infect them, that you’ll have the energy to take care of them. Self-care still remains valuable as a parent, but it takes on a whole different meaning. It’s not just about the “self” anymore, but it’s the “self for another”. Be that as it may, taking a break from the tiring task of being a parent and still enjoying yourself now and then is crucial. Everyone deserves to have a break, and parents are definitely among the ones who should have one.
A New Personal Language Will Develop
You and your partner might have your own unique in-jokes and language quirks, but having kids will magnify that by ten-fold. Your household will have gibberish that somehow makes sense. Your developing kids will initially learn a quirky dialect that you’ll understand as if it’s normal. This development of a rather new and interesting language is one of the most fun and welcome changes in being a parent.
After all, who wouldn’t want to talk in a cute-but-weird language with their kids? Of course, this quirky and personal language is ultimately a part of your growing children’s development. But as you grow older, you and your family will still develop in-jokes and references on your own. And perhaps that’s something you and your partner can look forward to.
You’re More Strategic and Less Spontaneous

Most parents don’t like sudden changes in the plan. Of course, if you’re managing three energetic kids, the last thing you want is to suddenly have a change in your daily routine that will have everyone re-adjusting to again. Maybe back when you and your partner were a childless couple, random changes in your itinerary were a romantic welcome.
But parents need to consider many things: are strollers allowed in that location? Does that restaurant have baby chairs? Will the kids like this place? These questions take precedence over finding something “fun” or “spontaneous” and that’s perfectly fine.
Being a parent is by no means a joke. But neither is it a chore or a bore. It’s always an interesting day being a parent, and the changes in your life because of it will eventually feel a welcome change.