So you have embraced a healthy way of life and are eating servings of mixed greens improved with the integrity of natural products nowadays? However, what might be said about the takeout holders you are having these plates of mixed greens in? Assuming they are made of plastic, you need to consider cautiously about the general impact this is having on your body.
India is gradually turning into a nation where individuals are turning wellbeing cognizant. We are taking a great difficult situation to deal with ourselves. Yet, how might we simply watch our food and not what’s holding it? Utilization of plastic cutlery and flatware has arrived at incredible magnitude, truly hurting the climate. Plastic use in India has been developing at a gigantic pace of 10.5% CAGR throughout the last decade. Plastic things require around 500 years to break down and work then, at that point, they mope in landfills, gag our seepage frameworks and lastly saturate the sea and kill untamed life.

Fortunately, biodegradable cutlery and silverware have arisen as a superior option in contrast to plastics across the globe and Indians have been early adopters of these eco-accommodating food bundling materials. A wide range of plant biomass material like bagasse, rice husk, coconut coir and so on, are being used for delivering eco-accommodating cutlery, flatware and other food bundling items that are seeing a flood in use in this decade. Allow us to investigate the various kinds of biodegradable cutlery, flatware and food bundling items accessible in the Indian market at present. And one such brand is Agro Composites.
Read this Agro Composites Review to get a deeper insight on their best selling products.
Why Agro Composites?
Over-use of expendable plastic things is hazardous to our current circumstance. Accordingly, care should be taken to present eco-accommodating other options. The prime ecological decision is reusable cutlery, regardless of whether presented to buyers for on location utilization. For expendable things, it is smarter to search for items made with reused content. The more the level of reused content, the better.

Agro Composites has an extensive collection of such products with reusability and recyclability. Let us have a look on their best selling products:
Wellness Coffee Mug
Amidst this pandemic, we have become more and more cautious about our surroundings. And in a world where takeout coffees have become trends, the pandemic makes us think twice before buying them.
- How cleanly did the individual blend my espresso ?
- Is this mug washed appropriately ?
- Did the individual serving me wear gloves ?

Well think no more! Agro Composites wellbeing espresso cups are against viral and oppose all types of microorganisms, parasites, and such. Presently utilize these pine needle stuffed, flawlessly finished cups for everything from your morning espresso to an occasion drink.
Overall Experience:
Agro Composites’ wellness mugs are a must buy if you are tired of throwable plastic mugs and a great step toward an eco eco-friendly future. The mugs are great in terms of looks and usability as well. It is a completely made in India product. Getting hands on such an effective product at such a minimum price is a treasure to all coffee lovers!
Quality: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Value For Money: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐