If you ask any girl about anything more irritating than periods, then it’s irregular periods symptoms.
A normal menstruation cycle of a woman can last up to four to six days. Apart from that, sometimes, irregular periods can happen which may cause early menstrual flow or late menstruation cycle.
Also Read: 8 Reasons Behind Your Irregular Periods That You Didn’t Know!
This can be an issue for the women as they’ll be in a constant worry of getting periods while they’re out or doing something.
Hence, let’s know the symptoms of irregular periods so that you’re prepared for a situation like that in future.
Abnormal Periods

A normal menstruation cycle can range from 21 days to 35 days. To be specific, some doctors say that it must happen every 28 days. But it’s fine if it’s happening one or two days before or late than usual. What can be worrisome could be a week early or a week late periods.
There is one thing which needs to be understood by the people – menstruation is not a problem. Menstruation not happening is a problem.
Therefore, it makes it our first irregular period symptom.
Also Read: 10 Weird things that Guys think about Periods!!
Understand the flow

Take a pen and get a calendar. Now, start marking all the dates on which you got your periods.
Do you find any similarity? Or any other pattern? If you notice that you’re missing your periods by some days every month or getting them early, then you must get yourself checked.
It may be normal if it’s getting delayed every month as not everyone or their daily working schedule is same. So, you may consider it normal.
But, it can be one of the irregular periods symptoms we’re talking about. It’d be great if you get yourself checked.
Birth Control Pills

There are a lot of women in the world who have saved themselves from unwanted pregnancies. But, every good thing has a bad side to it. These birth control stop the ovaries from releasing eggs.
The body naturally wants to release eggs and when some chemical imbalance is found, the body feels problems. When these pills are used for long durations, then they can cause some serious irrevocable conditions in the body leading to infertility.
Change in period blood color
A normal period blood is dark red without clot. If there is some other color of your period blood, then consider it as irregular periods symptoms. Difference in color can mean that there are some problems in your body.
Given below is a chart which shows how different color of period blood can indicate different problems in the body.


This is a condition which is not so common but it may affect you. Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue lining your uterus grows outside of it. This problem can cause tremendous pain during periods. Sometimes, patients have to take medicines in order to get rid of the pain.
The worst part is that a patient feels that there’s pain inside, but they don’t know how to touch it.
Some of the irregular period symptoms referring to endometriosis may include:
Painful bowel movement
Pain during urination
Severe pain during or after intercourse
Getting bloated

Bloating can be due to many reasons and one of them is over eating. If you have been eating a lot of junk food, then it is normal to get bloated. But, it’s not fine to be overweight.
There have been some researches which have shown that obesity can cause complications in menstruation. Hormonal imbalance and insulin levels have been observed in bloating.
Therefore, if you notice that you’re getting bloated without any reason, it could be one of the irregular periods symptoms.

Having stress in stressful conditions can be okay at times. But, if you notice a lot of stress during your menstruation cycle, then you must consult a doctor. If the stress increases during the times you’re having periods, then you must definitely see a gynaecologist.
Stress is one of the most overlooked irregular periods symptoms. If you feel like you’re getting more stress during your periods, then chances are you have found a symptom for irregular periods.

There are some medicines which can badly affect your reproductive system. So, if you regularly consume some medicines, then you must know that they may be causing you some troubles down there. There’s no wonder if you could never notice any symptoms of irregular periods.
So, these were all the irregular periods symptoms for you all. Do let us know in the comments section below about your views on the topic. Till then, have a great day and share this blog on your social media accounts.