Excessive straightening, washing and drying of hair can damage them. They become dry and brittle and lose all their luster. . E.g. if your hair are falling this means you are stressed. Dry hair means you need to take more of water, Dullness of hair indicates lack of protein. These are only some of the examples. Let us have a look at some of the symptoms and associated problems which our own hair health are telling us:
1. Eat Well And Be Happy: Your Hair Health

Healthy Lifestyle and healthy diet means healthy hair. If you are having all the essential nutrients needed for your body like vitamin, protein and healthy fat then there will be no hair problem.
2. Have Dandruff

Dandruff is very shameful and annoying. A dry, flaky scalp means that you are using too many things. Don’t overstress skin of your scalp instead try using dandruff shampoo that exfoliates and moisturizes your scalp. But in case if they are yellow in color then you need a specialty shampoo.
3. Falling Hair

Losing some hair is normal. But if clumps of hair are falling, this means that you are in psychological or physical stressor. Illness, pregnancy and depression leave a negative impact. When this impact is removed, hair regrow automatically.
4. Damaged Hair

If you frequently straighten, curl or color your hair, they ought to get damage. To fix this problem deep conditioner can be used. But very weak hair are a sign of serious dehydration. to fix this have 8 glasses of water daily.
5. Thin Hair

Hair thinning is a embarrassing problem due to lack of protein in your diet.
6. Graying Prematurely

It is mainly due to Genetics. But in some cases stress is also the reason.
7. Dullness

Dull hair and loss of luster are due to dehydration and malnutrition. A well balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables will bring back the luscious locks.
8. Split Ends

If your hair is breaking easily and you are having split ends, re schedule your diet and include whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids and lots of colorful fruits.
Watch out for the symptoms of your hair, rectify and enjoy your shiny, thick hair.